Byddwn yn cynnal nosweithiau rhieni mewn fformat ychydig yn wahanol y tymor hwn, yn ystod wythnos Plant Mewn Angen, Tachwedd 12-16fed, gallwch chi ymuno rhwng amseroedd 10.30am – 11.15am, 1pm – 2pm neu 4.15pm – 5.15pm i edrych ar lyfr Dwylo Prysur eich plentyn, cael sgwrs, ymuno a gemau Plant mewn Angen a mwynhau teisen a helpu ni i godi arian am achos mor werth chweil.
Os ydych chi eisiau siarad yn benodol ag aelod o staff, siaradwch gyda Emma, Stacey neu Sasha fel y gallwn geisio darparu ar gyfer eich anghenion.
Diolch i bawb am eich geiriau caredig ynglŷn â’n harchwiliad yr wythnos diwethaf, rydym yn dal i wenu. Cyn gynted ag y cyhoeddir yr adroddiad byddwn yn ei rhannu gyda chi. Gall hyn gymryd ychydig o fisoedd.
We will be holding our parent’s evenings in a slightly different format this term, over the course of Children in Need week, November 12-16th you can pop in between the times of 10.30am – 11.15am, 1pm – 2pm or 4.15pm – 5.15pm to have a look at your child’s Dwylo Prysur Book, have a chat, enjoy our Children in Need games and spoil yourself with a cake and help us to raise money for such a worthwhile cause.
If you want to speak specifically with a certain member of staff please speak to the Emma, Stacey or Sasha so we can try and accommodate your needs.
Thank you all for your kind words regarding our inspection last week, we are still smiling. As soon as the report is published we will share it with you. This may take a couple of months.